Our Princess was born April 4th, and according to her mother she was right on time. We had some complications with the birth, and she had us all very scared for a couple of days. My idyllic birth story will have to wait for another baby, or will never be since I didn't follow some of my main objectives during the labor and delivery. She is here, and I am wearing my old jeans so I should be thankful for that!
Our nights and days have been hit or miss. She can be a perfect angel, but turn into a furious cat screeching and clawing away at me or anything else in her path. These photos are a week old, but I like to call this Dr. Jekyll vs. Miss Hyde:

The Prince has taken to his sister in fabulous ways, but there have been some tantrums for Momma's attention. We have been back on our "schedule" which I love and hate in the same breathe. Our lives are much more peaceful when we have uninterrupted naps, the foods that we like for our meals, and we stay at our house to play with our toys. The yard is our new favorite spot, and Husband is planning to purchase a slide tonight as an added attraction.

He is at such a fun age right now and on the brink of some words other than "Ma-ma-ma-ma...." and "Da-da-da-da-dahhhh!" I was very close to hearing a "ball" this morning while playing with the baby soccer ball (a gift from the Eastern Kingdom) and so I immediately started chanting "ball! ball! Can you say ball?" He was very excited that I was trying to say the same thing that he was saying, but then slipped on the duck blanket and smashed his fore head on the floor. It was tragic, but the other bumps were almost all healed so we needed a fresh one. He is such a charmer! We have such fun together! (Here at a wedding, just had a diaper changed, and this one happened to be really funny!)

We have been trying our hands at gardening with some success and other trials. Our tulip crop is quite pretty this year, and Husband planted some pots as well as a cutting garden in the back yard (another gift from the Eastern Kingdom).

So husband has had a rough month. A crazy wife, a baby in the hospital, trying to get the yard under control, and working can drive a man insane! He was trying to prove something to me, but I figured that he still had to much time on his hands if he had time to play with his beard. It is really all about the beard. To have a beard or not to have a beard, that is always the question. If he has the beard he is pulling it out, making bald patches under his chin. If he doesn't have the beard, he feels that people don't take him seriously because he looks "too young" so then it is necessary to grow the beard out. So on Monday, he didn't have enough things to do. He was bored as I was juggling babies and bead stringing, cooking, cleaning and trying not to stink myself! He wanted to play with his beard. I was not amused when he came out of hiding, giggling and talking in his best Southern accent..."Can I help ya, Mam? Come give me a big kiss. Ya know you want a big kiss."

Actually, "Get away from me you sex offender! You are going to scare the children! Shave that thing off!!" He said, "Oh I can't do that, Mam." I said, "OK, we need food for dinner. Get in the car and go and get the food on the list...." He shaved the rest off. He is a good man. To redeem himself, here is the last snippet from our world: Husband doing baby duty with the Princess. Brutus didn't want to be left out, so he had some snuggle time with Husband too.

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