We move along through life's daily trials, standing in conflict most days. We are elated that the Prince is enjoying a Newman O cookie, and so excited with his smiles that we don't care if his clothes are dirty. Honest! The conflict arises when we discover gooey bits of cookie smashed into the screen door, because he was beating the screen with excitement at seeing his Poppa grilling outside. It is so cute, yet it is so messy. Do we scream, "NO stop it you are ruining our house!" when are hearts are bursting with joy at his excitement seeing his father?

The same thing happens when my Sweet Bean is smiling and laughing at me. As her mother, my heart again is bursting as I fall in love with her sweet smile and even though many authorities say that it is just gas, I have my fingers crossed hoping that she knows me and is happy to look at my face.

I continue to make enemies all around my city with my public breastfeeding. When trying to explain this to people, I think people shudder at the idea it brings to your mind of a full shot of a naked breast in public. Not the case. The biggest tip off is the screaming child, and the mother wrestling with nursing bras, nursing shirts or non nursing shirts and then the gurgling of the baby settling down and swallowing all of this milk. Once she is in place, many people don't even realize my covert operation since I am draped, modestly, with a blanket and maybe checking on her from time to time. It isn't any more or less obvious than someone fighting with a bag of plastic utensils that they can't get open in order to dig into their meal, but I have heard all of the arguments on the other side of the fence so I do try to be sympathetic to those who are offended or annoyed. Is it more annoying to hear a screaming baby or to witness breastfeeding?
We are also making enemies in the medical community by challenging the vaccine schedule that most parents and doctors follow. I am annoyed by the doctor who treats us like 12 year olds when we are looking for the best way to raise and take care of our children. We make enough money to afford the children that we have, and we have brains enough to look at alternative medicine for ourselves and our children. I want to bring a squirt gun to the doctor's office next time, and when we get in this debate just whip out my fluorescent green and orange water bazooka and just drench the guy as we are packing up the kids and running out of his office to the safety of our house. If we just never leave our house, then we wouldn't get germs or have to be bombarded with everyone telling us how to raise our children. "Lay them on their backs, or they might DIE! Give them the chickenpox vaccine or they might DIE! Stop breastfeeding them when they are 1 year old because you no longer can support them nutritionally and they might DIE!" I'm ready to move to Greenland! Halcyon take me away!
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