I want to care! I need to care, but I hate getting in these stupid debates where there is someone who is not going to change their mind, and I am obviously not going to change their mind. I hate even years! I have come to associate the even years, election years, as a very busy time for selling balloons, but also a time when if you stick your neck out you are labeled as a hot head. Thankfully, I haven't lost any friends over this election year...yet.
The mass emails keep coming through my in-box, and I am annoyed with myself that I actually take the time to read them and then pass them along to the next person wasting time in their in-box. Some of them are so poignant and juicy, I just can't help myself! When the information is so specific to something that I am struggling with, I have to pass it along to most people that I know. It is like some sort of kissing disease.
I want to make a yard sign to show my support of the Republican candidates, but alas, I can not get Husband on board with my project. He doesn't want a sign in a yard for the world to see who we are voting for. The last time we had a "VOTE NO" to a local sales tax hike, someone drove through our yard. This election seems is a much bigger deal and who knows what could happen if we put up a McCain/Palin yard sign. I was intending on making it out of wood so that if someone drove their car into it, it would at least do some damage. I realize the wood would be an investment, but we can paint over it every even year for whatever we need to.
I want a compost bin for my backyard. I found some really cool compost turning bins that are all sealed up so we wouldn't have problems with animals (domestic or foreign) making a huge mess out of everything. I am fully prepared to have a counter top bin as well to hold things for the day and then dump out at night. With all of the egg shells, peels of vegetables and such that we have, we could be saving even more room in our garbage bin.
Very sad to miss the great show the Oprah had on yesterday about free range animals and a bill in California that they are trying to pass that would require all animals in the state of California to be free range by 2015. Compared to the horrible film footage they showed of some of these animals that are penned in for their entire life, and fed a liquid diet until they are sent to a slaughtering house it is truly inhumane and very unhealthy for us to consume these animals. Why would we want to eat a sick animal?
So what am I? I want to recycle and start my own compost bin. I want to eat free range meat and yet I am a voting Republican? Husband and I are calling ourselves "Hippie Conservatives" but many facets of our lives we feel can not be categorized. I doubt that the majority of Americans can align themselves with either candidate this even year. What we are challenged to do is support someone who is the closest to our beliefs and ideals. Some people just don't get it, and they never will. It is so disconcerting, but inevitable every four years.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Falling Behind!
So this blogging thing is contagious! So many of my friends have blogs, and they actually post on a regular basis. Not the case with myself. Goal: Trying to blog at least once a week. If I shoot for every day, then I should probably get at least once a week? Who knows these days.
We had our MusicTogether class today and Grandma Joseph went along with us so that the little Princess could attend. The Prince has decided to be a little more chatty during class, and participating is actually fun! We had a melt down when he threw an airplane with a Ronald McDonald flying, and after Nani and I took it away from him it was time for a full blown, Academy award winning tantrum. We had to go into the hallway after screaming and kicking and stares from all of the other perfect Mommies. It all was ironed out.
This evening was packed with activities, and Husband and I went to a fundraiser. I don't know that this counts as a date night, but I did get dressed up in my "coctail" attire and felt quite fun and not like a Momma. More like a hot Momma. The in laws picked me up, and after I felt like I might be killed en transit, we safely arrived to bullshit with people that I really don't know for a couple of hours. There were silent auction things to bid on, and everything was mucho bucks! Many people were dropping comments on how much should we be spending when the economy is in the toilet and the politicians are hitting flush. Things started to pick up after everyone had a couple of drinks in them, and I just waited for Husband to get off work, come and make and appearance and then we could head home before the live auction. However, we had a surprise...
Husband's sister was also at the event and noticed that Brother-in-law's girlfriend was standing at a table over yonder. She went over to say hello, and a little mini drama ensued. Mother in law would be meeting the new girlfriend tomorrow night, and instead she was at the same function and a meeting would happen a day early. I wanted to make sure that Girlfriend would be comforted by more people that she might know, so I went to say hello as well, and shortly it was time to meet the MIL. She was very nervous, but I told her it was time to jump in! Things went quite well, and after the initial akwardness of meeting new people whom you would want to impress, she relaxed and we had a nice visit.
After we got home to a screaming Princess, and I hurried her to the breast and then to bed, I was changed and scooting out the door for my NOAH meeting. I brought home a new "pet" tonight called a Kombucha pad. Hopefully I will be making some new elixr/drink that will be tasty and delicious. I am seriously grossed out by this "pad" that I brought home that is going to have to have its own name, since it is ALIVE!
Hosnestly, a bad post tonight. Just trying to get back in the groove of writing into the abyss.
We had our MusicTogether class today and Grandma Joseph went along with us so that the little Princess could attend. The Prince has decided to be a little more chatty during class, and participating is actually fun! We had a melt down when he threw an airplane with a Ronald McDonald flying, and after Nani and I took it away from him it was time for a full blown, Academy award winning tantrum. We had to go into the hallway after screaming and kicking and stares from all of the other perfect Mommies. It all was ironed out.
This evening was packed with activities, and Husband and I went to a fundraiser. I don't know that this counts as a date night, but I did get dressed up in my "coctail" attire and felt quite fun and not like a Momma. More like a hot Momma. The in laws picked me up, and after I felt like I might be killed en transit, we safely arrived to bullshit with people that I really don't know for a couple of hours. There were silent auction things to bid on, and everything was mucho bucks! Many people were dropping comments on how much should we be spending when the economy is in the toilet and the politicians are hitting flush. Things started to pick up after everyone had a couple of drinks in them, and I just waited for Husband to get off work, come and make and appearance and then we could head home before the live auction. However, we had a surprise...
Husband's sister was also at the event and noticed that Brother-in-law's girlfriend was standing at a table over yonder. She went over to say hello, and a little mini drama ensued. Mother in law would be meeting the new girlfriend tomorrow night, and instead she was at the same function and a meeting would happen a day early. I wanted to make sure that Girlfriend would be comforted by more people that she might know, so I went to say hello as well, and shortly it was time to meet the MIL. She was very nervous, but I told her it was time to jump in! Things went quite well, and after the initial akwardness of meeting new people whom you would want to impress, she relaxed and we had a nice visit.
After we got home to a screaming Princess, and I hurried her to the breast and then to bed, I was changed and scooting out the door for my NOAH meeting. I brought home a new "pet" tonight called a Kombucha pad. Hopefully I will be making some new elixr/drink that will be tasty and delicious. I am seriously grossed out by this "pad" that I brought home that is going to have to have its own name, since it is ALIVE!
Hosnestly, a bad post tonight. Just trying to get back in the groove of writing into the abyss.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Head banging
When you are married to a jeweler, you get lots of jewelry for presents. It is great. No wait, it rocks! (No pun intended.) Husband has realized, that what also rocks, is taking your wife to a fabulous concert for her birthday. Huge rush. Wonderful feeling. We rocked!
Husband bought tickets to see Coldplay in Chicago at the United Center. Des Moines is too small for them to come here, and even though we think everyone should know who they are, many people don't. They would of course be living under a ROCK! In his quest to surprise me, he had to find a location that would be drivable distance, a place where we could find childcare for the two babies (one that is still on the breast) and then somewhere for us to rest our heads. We wouldn't have been able to afford the tickets plus a hotel. Chicago won, and it worked out great because we got to see family while we were there.
So if I couldn't have been more excited than when the new Coldplay album dropped on June17th, and I had been listening to the album on through some Internet website that had a release the week before...nothing could have prepared me for the moment I figured out that Husband was in deed bidding on tickets for another Coldplay concert! He took me for my birthday, the week after he proposed in September 2005, and it was by far the best birthday present in my history. Every piece of jewelry has always come with the "It still isn't as good as Coldplay," and I would try to convey to him how much I totally loved the piece of jewelry, but it could not compare to a Coldplay concert because it wasn't Coldplay. It was comparing apples to oranges.
(If no one understands my extreme enthusiasm for this band, let me liken it to the crazy wigs who wait outside of Barnes & Noble when a new Harry Potter book was released. Now of course I am not going to dress like Chris Martin, nor will I get a tattoo on my hand like Chris Martin, nor will I name my daughter Apple Martin, but I do love this group and I have been following them since Thanksgiving of 2000.)
Husband and I were like crazy teenagers driving in to a "questionable" part of Chicago to see one of our favorite bands perform and we had tickets on the floor in row 13. I couldn't have been more excited! The ticket said that the show started at 7:30, and we were so worried about not being there in time with the traffic and the parking, and then waiting in line for our tickets at will call. When we got into the stadium, very few people were sitting in their seats, and even fewer people were actually in the stadium! We were so excited we could hardly contain ourselves. It was very difficult for two parents of a 17 month old and an almost 4 month old who were not jailbirds from the confines of parenthood to contain their excitement. We waited.
We sat through a strange techno performance and then a terrible opening act, watching the clock to count down the minutes until they were scheduled to come on. We waited while people stepped over our seats, drenched in smoke, carrying cups of beer to their seats and then back up again for another round of beer that probably cost $10 per cup. We had been warned about this "questionable" neighborhood in Chicago, in fact our relatives had put the fear of the ghetto in our bodies, so we weren't talking to each other, and barely looking at anything except the stage waiting for any trace of a band member taking those first steps out to perform our favorite songs.
When they came out, I started to scream and yell and clap my hands for the first time out of 10,000 claps. The stadium was dark, and then the notes for the first song rang out, and I had goose bumps all over and shivers up and down my spine. I looked at husband and he was also screaming and excited. The tickets were worth every penny, and the show was amazing. They played all of my favorite songs, and they are such a good live performance, I couldn't come down off of this musical high. I felt 10 years younger, rocking out in my own little section of the stadium that was very well paid for and belted out the words to each song, stomping my feet and waving my arms in the air. The ear plugs we had used on the opening band were stuffed deep into my pockets, and I soaked in every beat and every melody they performed for me.
This present will be a hard act for husband to beat anytime in the near future. He will just have to wait until the next album release and the next tour. By that time our babies will have grown, and we will (most likely) have the funds to see them wherever we want. Let's just hope they keep on writing music and sending it out to us. Truly a great band, and I might as well just commit and say, my favorite.
Husband bought tickets to see Coldplay in Chicago at the United Center. Des Moines is too small for them to come here, and even though we think everyone should know who they are, many people don't. They would of course be living under a ROCK! In his quest to surprise me, he had to find a location that would be drivable distance, a place where we could find childcare for the two babies (one that is still on the breast) and then somewhere for us to rest our heads. We wouldn't have been able to afford the tickets plus a hotel. Chicago won, and it worked out great because we got to see family while we were there.
So if I couldn't have been more excited than when the new Coldplay album dropped on June17th, and I had been listening to the album on through some Internet website that had a release the week before...nothing could have prepared me for the moment I figured out that Husband was in deed bidding on tickets for another Coldplay concert! He took me for my birthday, the week after he proposed in September 2005, and it was by far the best birthday present in my history. Every piece of jewelry has always come with the "It still isn't as good as Coldplay," and I would try to convey to him how much I totally loved the piece of jewelry, but it could not compare to a Coldplay concert because it wasn't Coldplay. It was comparing apples to oranges.
(If no one understands my extreme enthusiasm for this band, let me liken it to the crazy wigs who wait outside of Barnes & Noble when a new Harry Potter book was released. Now of course I am not going to dress like Chris Martin, nor will I get a tattoo on my hand like Chris Martin, nor will I name my daughter Apple Martin, but I do love this group and I have been following them since Thanksgiving of 2000.)
Husband and I were like crazy teenagers driving in to a "questionable" part of Chicago to see one of our favorite bands perform and we had tickets on the floor in row 13. I couldn't have been more excited! The ticket said that the show started at 7:30, and we were so worried about not being there in time with the traffic and the parking, and then waiting in line for our tickets at will call. When we got into the stadium, very few people were sitting in their seats, and even fewer people were actually in the stadium! We were so excited we could hardly contain ourselves. It was very difficult for two parents of a 17 month old and an almost 4 month old who were not jailbirds from the confines of parenthood to contain their excitement. We waited.
We sat through a strange techno performance and then a terrible opening act, watching the clock to count down the minutes until they were scheduled to come on. We waited while people stepped over our seats, drenched in smoke, carrying cups of beer to their seats and then back up again for another round of beer that probably cost $10 per cup. We had been warned about this "questionable" neighborhood in Chicago, in fact our relatives had put the fear of the ghetto in our bodies, so we weren't talking to each other, and barely looking at anything except the stage waiting for any trace of a band member taking those first steps out to perform our favorite songs.
When they came out, I started to scream and yell and clap my hands for the first time out of 10,000 claps. The stadium was dark, and then the notes for the first song rang out, and I had goose bumps all over and shivers up and down my spine. I looked at husband and he was also screaming and excited. The tickets were worth every penny, and the show was amazing. They played all of my favorite songs, and they are such a good live performance, I couldn't come down off of this musical high. I felt 10 years younger, rocking out in my own little section of the stadium that was very well paid for and belted out the words to each song, stomping my feet and waving my arms in the air. The ear plugs we had used on the opening band were stuffed deep into my pockets, and I soaked in every beat and every melody they performed for me.
This present will be a hard act for husband to beat anytime in the near future. He will just have to wait until the next album release and the next tour. By that time our babies will have grown, and we will (most likely) have the funds to see them wherever we want. Let's just hope they keep on writing music and sending it out to us. Truly a great band, and I might as well just commit and say, my favorite.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Babies are a changin'
They are growing like weeds! I am glad that they are growing. It means that I am actually doing something right! It gives me great pride, that in some sick and twisted way, I am able to produce food for my offspring, and then in turn they poop and grow and poop some more. As sick as it sounds, and as sick as it is, when changing my Sweet Bean's diaper, I am looking at food that I ate.
We move along through life's daily trials, standing in conflict most days. We are elated that the Prince is enjoying a Newman O cookie, and so excited with his smiles that we don't care if his clothes are dirty. Honest! The conflict arises when we discover gooey bits of cookie smashed into the screen door, because he was beating the screen with excitement at seeing his Poppa grilling outside. It is so cute, yet it is so messy. Do we scream, "NO stop it you are ruining our house!" when are hearts are bursting with joy at his excitement seeing his father?

The same thing happens when my Sweet Bean is smiling and laughing at me. As her mother, my heart again is bursting as I fall in love with her sweet smile and even though many authorities say that it is just gas, I have my fingers crossed hoping that she knows me and is happy to look at my face.
Again I am caught in the joy that I feel when she lets out a huge sailor belch, but annoyed and disgusted when she plants a huge bird poop stain of baby barf on my shoulder. She has become quite an expert at dodging the burp cloth and is able to shoot the barf just at the edge of the burp cloth with extreme precision. I am changing my clothes more than her!
I continue to make enemies all around my city with my public breastfeeding. When trying to explain this to people, I think people shudder at the idea it brings to your mind of a full shot of a naked breast in public. Not the case. The biggest tip off is the screaming child, and the mother wrestling with nursing bras, nursing shirts or non nursing shirts and then the gurgling of the baby settling down and swallowing all of this milk. Once she is in place, many people don't even realize my covert operation since I am draped, modestly, with a blanket and maybe checking on her from time to time. It isn't any more or less obvious than someone fighting with a bag of plastic utensils that they can't get open in order to dig into their meal, but I have heard all of the arguments on the other side of the fence so I do try to be sympathetic to those who are offended or annoyed. Is it more annoying to hear a screaming baby or to witness breastfeeding?
We are also making enemies in the medical community by challenging the vaccine schedule that most parents and doctors follow. I am annoyed by the doctor who treats us like 12 year olds when we are looking for the best way to raise and take care of our children. We make enough money to afford the children that we have, and we have brains enough to look at alternative medicine for ourselves and our children. I want to bring a squirt gun to the doctor's office next time, and when we get in this debate just whip out my fluorescent green and orange water bazooka and just drench the guy as we are packing up the kids and running out of his office to the safety of our house. If we just never leave our house, then we wouldn't get germs or have to be bombarded with everyone telling us how to raise our children. "Lay them on their backs, or they might DIE! Give them the chickenpox vaccine or they might DIE! Stop breastfeeding them when they are 1 year old because you no longer can support them nutritionally and they might DIE!" I'm ready to move to Greenland! Halcyon take me away!
We move along through life's daily trials, standing in conflict most days. We are elated that the Prince is enjoying a Newman O cookie, and so excited with his smiles that we don't care if his clothes are dirty. Honest! The conflict arises when we discover gooey bits of cookie smashed into the screen door, because he was beating the screen with excitement at seeing his Poppa grilling outside. It is so cute, yet it is so messy. Do we scream, "NO stop it you are ruining our house!" when are hearts are bursting with joy at his excitement seeing his father?

The same thing happens when my Sweet Bean is smiling and laughing at me. As her mother, my heart again is bursting as I fall in love with her sweet smile and even though many authorities say that it is just gas, I have my fingers crossed hoping that she knows me and is happy to look at my face.

I continue to make enemies all around my city with my public breastfeeding. When trying to explain this to people, I think people shudder at the idea it brings to your mind of a full shot of a naked breast in public. Not the case. The biggest tip off is the screaming child, and the mother wrestling with nursing bras, nursing shirts or non nursing shirts and then the gurgling of the baby settling down and swallowing all of this milk. Once she is in place, many people don't even realize my covert operation since I am draped, modestly, with a blanket and maybe checking on her from time to time. It isn't any more or less obvious than someone fighting with a bag of plastic utensils that they can't get open in order to dig into their meal, but I have heard all of the arguments on the other side of the fence so I do try to be sympathetic to those who are offended or annoyed. Is it more annoying to hear a screaming baby or to witness breastfeeding?
We are also making enemies in the medical community by challenging the vaccine schedule that most parents and doctors follow. I am annoyed by the doctor who treats us like 12 year olds when we are looking for the best way to raise and take care of our children. We make enough money to afford the children that we have, and we have brains enough to look at alternative medicine for ourselves and our children. I want to bring a squirt gun to the doctor's office next time, and when we get in this debate just whip out my fluorescent green and orange water bazooka and just drench the guy as we are packing up the kids and running out of his office to the safety of our house. If we just never leave our house, then we wouldn't get germs or have to be bombarded with everyone telling us how to raise our children. "Lay them on their backs, or they might DIE! Give them the chickenpox vaccine or they might DIE! Stop breastfeeding them when they are 1 year old because you no longer can support them nutritionally and they might DIE!" I'm ready to move to Greenland! Halcyon take me away!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
We ARE Crazy!
As if my first year of marriage + one baby wasn't a big enough sign as to how time flies when you are having babies, this almost second year of marriage + baby number two is now a lesson in your life at warp speed. My last post was a couple of months ago, but it has been quite difficult to blog when I have so many other things such as push out another baby.
Our Princess was born April 4th, and according to her mother she was right on time. We had some complications with the birth, and she had us all very scared for a couple of days. My idyllic birth story will have to wait for another baby, or will never be since I didn't follow some of my main objectives during the labor and delivery. She is here, and I am wearing my old jeans so I should be thankful for that!
Our nights and days have been hit or miss. She can be a perfect angel, but turn into a furious cat screeching and clawing away at me or anything else in her path. These photos are a week old, but I like to call this Dr. Jekyll vs. Miss Hyde:

The Prince has taken to his sister in fabulous ways, but there have been some tantrums for Momma's attention. We have been back on our "schedule" which I love and hate in the same breathe. Our lives are much more peaceful when we have uninterrupted naps, the foods that we like for our meals, and we stay at our house to play with our toys. The yard is our new favorite spot, and Husband is planning to purchase a slide tonight as an added attraction.

He is at such a fun age right now and on the brink of some words other than "Ma-ma-ma-ma...." and "Da-da-da-da-dahhhh!" I was very close to hearing a "ball" this morning while playing with the baby soccer ball (a gift from the Eastern Kingdom) and so I immediately started chanting "ball! ball! Can you say ball?" He was very excited that I was trying to say the same thing that he was saying, but then slipped on the duck blanket and smashed his fore head on the floor. It was tragic, but the other bumps were almost all healed so we needed a fresh one. He is such a charmer! We have such fun together! (Here at a wedding, just had a diaper changed, and this one happened to be really funny!)

We have been trying our hands at gardening with some success and other trials. Our tulip crop is quite pretty this year, and Husband planted some pots as well as a cutting garden in the back yard (another gift from the Eastern Kingdom).

So husband has had a rough month. A crazy wife, a baby in the hospital, trying to get the yard under control, and working can drive a man insane! He was trying to prove something to me, but I figured that he still had to much time on his hands if he had time to play with his beard. It is really all about the beard. To have a beard or not to have a beard, that is always the question. If he has the beard he is pulling it out, making bald patches under his chin. If he doesn't have the beard, he feels that people don't take him seriously because he looks "too young" so then it is necessary to grow the beard out. So on Monday, he didn't have enough things to do. He was bored as I was juggling babies and bead stringing, cooking, cleaning and trying not to stink myself! He wanted to play with his beard. I was not amused when he came out of hiding, giggling and talking in his best Southern accent..."Can I help ya, Mam? Come give me a big kiss. Ya know you want a big kiss."

Actually, "Get away from me you sex offender! You are going to scare the children! Shave that thing off!!" He said, "Oh I can't do that, Mam." I said, "OK, we need food for dinner. Get in the car and go and get the food on the list...." He shaved the rest off. He is a good man. To redeem himself, here is the last snippet from our world: Husband doing baby duty with the Princess. Brutus didn't want to be left out, so he had some snuggle time with Husband too.
Our Princess was born April 4th, and according to her mother she was right on time. We had some complications with the birth, and she had us all very scared for a couple of days. My idyllic birth story will have to wait for another baby, or will never be since I didn't follow some of my main objectives during the labor and delivery. She is here, and I am wearing my old jeans so I should be thankful for that!
Our nights and days have been hit or miss. She can be a perfect angel, but turn into a furious cat screeching and clawing away at me or anything else in her path. These photos are a week old, but I like to call this Dr. Jekyll vs. Miss Hyde:

The Prince has taken to his sister in fabulous ways, but there have been some tantrums for Momma's attention. We have been back on our "schedule" which I love and hate in the same breathe. Our lives are much more peaceful when we have uninterrupted naps, the foods that we like for our meals, and we stay at our house to play with our toys. The yard is our new favorite spot, and Husband is planning to purchase a slide tonight as an added attraction.

He is at such a fun age right now and on the brink of some words other than "Ma-ma-ma-ma...." and "Da-da-da-da-dahhhh!" I was very close to hearing a "ball" this morning while playing with the baby soccer ball (a gift from the Eastern Kingdom) and so I immediately started chanting "ball! ball! Can you say ball?" He was very excited that I was trying to say the same thing that he was saying, but then slipped on the duck blanket and smashed his fore head on the floor. It was tragic, but the other bumps were almost all healed so we needed a fresh one. He is such a charmer! We have such fun together! (Here at a wedding, just had a diaper changed, and this one happened to be really funny!)

We have been trying our hands at gardening with some success and other trials. Our tulip crop is quite pretty this year, and Husband planted some pots as well as a cutting garden in the back yard (another gift from the Eastern Kingdom).

So husband has had a rough month. A crazy wife, a baby in the hospital, trying to get the yard under control, and working can drive a man insane! He was trying to prove something to me, but I figured that he still had to much time on his hands if he had time to play with his beard. It is really all about the beard. To have a beard or not to have a beard, that is always the question. If he has the beard he is pulling it out, making bald patches under his chin. If he doesn't have the beard, he feels that people don't take him seriously because he looks "too young" so then it is necessary to grow the beard out. So on Monday, he didn't have enough things to do. He was bored as I was juggling babies and bead stringing, cooking, cleaning and trying not to stink myself! He wanted to play with his beard. I was not amused when he came out of hiding, giggling and talking in his best Southern accent..."Can I help ya, Mam? Come give me a big kiss. Ya know you want a big kiss."

Actually, "Get away from me you sex offender! You are going to scare the children! Shave that thing off!!" He said, "Oh I can't do that, Mam." I said, "OK, we need food for dinner. Get in the car and go and get the food on the list...." He shaved the rest off. He is a good man. To redeem himself, here is the last snippet from our world: Husband doing baby duty with the Princess. Brutus didn't want to be left out, so he had some snuggle time with Husband too.

Thursday, January 3, 2008
Ming's Beef
Ohh I have a craving! A terrible craving this very moment. I want to eat Ming's Beef. Not just a bite, not just a taste...I want an entire plate of it all to myself. The very thinly sliced beef, the bamboo shoots, all of the delicious and transparent onions, mushrooms and cellophane noodles all oozy with the fabulous sauce. Oh my.
There are people who love food, and there are people who eat food to survive. I have finally understood that people who only eat food to survive actually exist. Being a true food lover, I never realized that there were two types of people in the way of food. I just always assumed that everyone loved food just like me. Most people in my family love food, and I finally found a man to marry who also loves food. The very strange thing is that you can actually grow up in a family with food lovers and non food lovers. I would think that it would be difficult to raise a child to understand food only as fuel, if you were indeed a true food lover, as would it also seem strange to have a child who loves food when you are not a food lover.
This time of year that we have just passed through known to many as the "holiday season" exposes those who are not true food lovers. The best way to uncover this, is to spend a holiday meal with a non-food lover when you are a food lover. The food that this non-food lover makes...is not up to par with the food that a food lover would prepare for a magnificent feast that food lovers know come once a year. There is great detail and preparation put into the menu. Fine selections are made for the "best" produce, meat, cheeses, wine, and dessert that can be made. The presentation and and preparation must be perfect. Any food that is burnt or ugly, just isn't ready for a holiday spread.
If there is a food lover who wants to cook things, and understands the importance of cooking amazing "feast" food, then let the non food lovers stand by and drink their drinks. Let them waste their counted calories on glass after glass of wine, but step aside for those of us who want to be rolled away from the table with our palettes completely satiated with the true holiday feasting ritual that only comes once a year.
There are people who love food, and there are people who eat food to survive. I have finally understood that people who only eat food to survive actually exist. Being a true food lover, I never realized that there were two types of people in the way of food. I just always assumed that everyone loved food just like me. Most people in my family love food, and I finally found a man to marry who also loves food. The very strange thing is that you can actually grow up in a family with food lovers and non food lovers. I would think that it would be difficult to raise a child to understand food only as fuel, if you were indeed a true food lover, as would it also seem strange to have a child who loves food when you are not a food lover.
This time of year that we have just passed through known to many as the "holiday season" exposes those who are not true food lovers. The best way to uncover this, is to spend a holiday meal with a non-food lover when you are a food lover. The food that this non-food lover makes...is not up to par with the food that a food lover would prepare for a magnificent feast that food lovers know come once a year. There is great detail and preparation put into the menu. Fine selections are made for the "best" produce, meat, cheeses, wine, and dessert that can be made. The presentation and and preparation must be perfect. Any food that is burnt or ugly, just isn't ready for a holiday spread.
If there is a food lover who wants to cook things, and understands the importance of cooking amazing "feast" food, then let the non food lovers stand by and drink their drinks. Let them waste their counted calories on glass after glass of wine, but step aside for those of us who want to be rolled away from the table with our palettes completely satiated with the true holiday feasting ritual that only comes once a year.
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